Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I and Jay were complex maths workers and we worked in building 200 storeys high in the middle of town. One of the things we had to do was spatial algebra mathematics, we would have large holographic table where we would have work out many things. I and jay were both fine at this, we been through SPA school and done our two degrees and now earned our wage high in the sky.

One day I stopped working and looking at the window and what I can only describe as premonition happened like inside my head, it seemed very real but it seemed important and it looked like it would happen today.
Though me and jay worked hard we weren’t normally allowed to leave work for anything and work the full day. As I turned round to go back to work I spoke to Jay about what I had just seen and he just splurted some gibberish at me and I couldn’t work it out and then I made it reasonable hard puzzle for him to try and he got caught on the first easiest hurdle as if he had lost all intelligence and was stupid.
At this point the board of directors for the company walked in and asked me and Jay were we working hard and I said yes whilst turning Jay round so they couldn’t see him and whilst they were walking round I pulled Jay close to me so it was hard for them to see that Jay had turned stupid.
As they were near the opposite end of the room with the floor manager, I pulled Jay with me out onto to the corridor and straight into the lift.
Just as we entered the lift I had another premonition, this time lots of people were crowding into our building, but I couldn’t still work it out and as we started going down the floors in the cramped lift. It suddenly began going a lot faster then stopped and the doors opened and Jay, who was at the front looked out plus holding one arm out and I pulled him back in but it began falling at incredible speed and Jay lost his arm. As the lift banged on the springs at the bottom we finally stopped and got out. I pulled jay out and we ran to the front door pushing people out of my way whilst dragging jay along with me.

Where we lived was in a city which was on an island part of many hundreds of small islands in large group. Beside one of the islands the one Me and Jay was on, about 10 miles away was the mainland where most of the worlds population lived and between all of it was fairly deep sea. The government of the small island had connected all the small islands together and it was now developing the last bridge to built between the islands were we on and the mainland.

So as me and Jay left the building I realised what it was all about and not that any normal person would think this but it was our bridges, I had to tell the workers to stop building all the whole world would be in danger. So me and Jay started running down the bridge which they had already started building until a mile or so we got to the part where we couldn’t any further. So I had the great idea to nick so worker suits and try and pretend to be a worker with Jay and get the lift in the helicopter, we did and we went to the last cylinder of concrete which holds the road surface in the air.
As we got there I realised what was the problem as I looked down. They had spread the water apart to make a hole in the water to dig in the sand for the next hole. So I knocked out the way by stealing the controls of the helicopter and plunging it in the hole for the terror to leave.

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